
Dear Friends,

I extend a heartfelt welcome to you on behalf of the Assembly of God Church family. Our mission is to glorify God, grow together in faith, and serve our community with love and compassion.
Here, you will find a community that prays together, celebrates together, and stands united in Christ's love. We hope that as you join us, you will encounter His presence and experience His peace. Let’s journey together in faith, hand in hand.


Rev. Abhijit Shome


Dear brothers and sisters,

It's a privilege to have this opportunity to welcome one and all the chosen children of almighty Lord Jesus for whom He shed His blood for redemption of our sins. We have been given this great commission to reveal and demonstrate His limitless love, measureless mercies, endless goodness and never ending grace. We are the chosen generation who have the burden to win souls and direct them to witness the salvation that our Savior has reserved for us. The coming of our Savior is near and so let us draw closer to Lord Jesus through our fellowship with Holy Spirit and experience the joy unspeakable. On behalf of Assembly of God Church family, your humble presence will surely be an instrumental step in glorifying Christ our Lord, the redeemer, the deliverer, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Hallelujah to the lamb of God.


Biswajit Panja
Leader of Finances


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