Sunday Message Summary by Rev. Abhijit Shome


  1. Is this the Way of God?
    • Matthew 7:13-20
      At the conclusion of every sermon, we’re reminded to reflect on how the message can be applied to our lives.

      Context: Matthew 5-7 records some of Jesus’ most profound teachings. In these chapters, He warns that many people often follow the crowd instead of pursuing righteousness. The majority is not always right, and the path to true salvation is narrow.

      Key Verse: Matthew 7:14
      “But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”
      This echoes the reality that the road to righteousness is challenging, and it requires personal commitment rather than merely going with the flow of society.

      Quote by Stephen Covey:
      “I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.”
      This emphasizes that our choices, guided by faith, define us, not the environment we’re in.

      People often aspire to be prophets rather than pastors, desiring recognition rather than serving faithfully where God places them. We are called to discern the path of righteousness, even when it’s not the popular one.

      Ephesians 4:11 affirms the roles within the body of Christ, reminding us that each person’s calling is different, and none should seek glory over their true mission.

  1. Contradicting the Way of God
    • Matthew 7:15-20
      Jesus warns us to beware of false prophets, who will try to deceive others by appearing as sheep when they are wolves. We must be vigilant, as these individuals often speak half-truths or mislead people about God’s will.

      Key Point:
      We can only truly warn those we love. Jesus Himself cautioned against misleading teachings because they lead people astray.

      • Galatians 1:8 & 2 Corinthians 11:4 both caution against embracing false gospels.
      • Philippians 1:11 highlights the importance of living in a way that reflects the purity and truth of Christ’s teachings.

      Matthew 3:8 calls for repentance that bears fruit. True repentance isn’t about empty words; it’s about transformation.

      2 Peter 1:20 reminds us that prophecy is not subject to personal interpretation—it comes from God and must be discerned with humility.

      • John 21 shows the humility of Jesus, even in His miracles, where He often chose to perform them quietly or in private. This is a lesson in avoiding self-promotion.

      Quote by Abraham Lincoln:
      "You can fool all the people sometime, but you cannot fool them all the time."
      The truth always comes to light, and God’s way cannot be hidden forever.

Application: The core message of Rev. Abhijit Shome’s sermon calls us to examine our path and choices carefully. Are we following the crowd, or are we taking the narrow road that leads to life? Are we guarding against false teachings and staying true to the righteousness of God? These reflections challenge us to make conscious, deliberate decisions grounded in God’s word and truth.

This revised version organizes the points more clearly and expands on the central themes, while ensuring the message remains impactful and relevant.


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